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surgical repair中文是什么意思

用"surgical repair"造句"surgical repair"怎么读"surgical repair" in a sentence


  • 手术修补


  • We report a 26 year - old man with a traumatic tracheoesophageal fistula after a traffic accident and describe the successful surgical repair
  • While surgical repair is necessary for large and complicated defects , pure skin lesions could be easily managed by conservative treatment of antibiotics and wound care
  • In this case , we used total intravenous anesthesia combined with high - frequency oscillatory ventilation and inhaled nitric oxide for surgical repair of the diaphragm
  • None of the patients had surgical repair , red blood cell transfusion , retroperitoneal bleeding , formation of an arterioenous fistula or pseudoaneurysm , arterial occlusion , or an infection , the researchers note
  • A novel catheter technique for patching holes in the heart may make it possible for many patients to avoid surgery altogether and others to regain enough strength to safely undergo surgical repair at a later date , according to a study reported at the 30th annual scientific sessions of the society for cardiovascular angiography and interventions , may 9 - 12 , 2007 , in orlando , fl
用"surgical repair"造句  


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